Buying in to the Nutrien Concept

Every horse bought or sold at the Nutrien Classic has a story, this is the chapter that led Lot 248 – SALERNO DREAMING JEDDA, to the stables of Roger & Tam Boshammer, Arangely Stock Horses.

It was during the drafting over the days preceding the sale at Nutrien, that Roger and Tam had a conversation about the merits of the concept that started the incredible event that is the Nutrien Classic Campdraft.

They discussed how it has transformed the industry, created a market for young horses and how great it is to be able to witness the talent of the young horses in the event.  The interest it has created, the thirst to be involved and the excitement of the final with the great horseman and women doing so well, were all praised.

According to Tam, nothing more was said until Roger, ‘in his usual style’, read the catalogue and saw a filly that, “should we buy her”, would be a suitable horse to become part of the concept. Whilst watching the events on the TV, they made a quick decision to buy the mare based on her pedigree, conformation and ability to track a cow.  Phone calls were made, they got the low down and before they knew it, they had purchased Lot 248 – Salerno Dreaming Jedda.

Jedda is a 2-year-old filly, by Hazelwood Conman from the Impressive Destiny mare Rosebrook Rihanna from Kirkby Stud Refine, who is a full sister to the well performed mare Kirkby Stud Amy.

The more research Roger and Tam did, the more interesting the pedigree became. Grand Dam Kirkby Stud Refine and Grand Sire Binnia Impressive Destiny are both winners of the World Championship Campdraft at the Royal Sydney Show. Jedda has a background of high-performance horses in her pedigree.

Roger & Tam are looking forward to progressing along with Jedda and being involved in the Nutrien Classic at Tamworth.

Roger & Tam Boshammer with Lot 248 – SALERNO DREAMING JEDDA –