
Talafa Rey Dox
Where Versatility Counts!

Service Fee

  • $1,650 inc GST
  • LFG
  • Live cover
  • Chilled & Frozen semen



Live cover
Bective  NSW 2340

Tamworth Equine Vet Centre
Tamworth  NSW  2340
Tel: 02 6766 4333

TRD's story

Talafa Rey Dox has taken owner Jessie Britton to success at levels that have surpassed all her expectations. This outstanding horse has enabled her to excel in her preferred sport of campdrafting, and in new disciplines along the way. He is one of very few horses that can quickly and easily go from one discipline to another, adapting with apparent ease.

Photo by Ray Cooper. Talafa Rey Dox & Dan Lithgow.

Jessie bought Talafa Rey Dox at the Nutrien Classic Sale in 2016. Although he was a trained cutting horse, Jessie could see that he would make an outstanding campdrafter.

TRD, as Jessie calls him, was trained by Dan Lithgow and competed in the NCHA Open Derby. He had two very impressive rounds and just missed the final by 1 point. What was very evident was that this was a horse with enormous potential and ability.

Jessie had no cutting experience prior to buying TRD, so initially, she stuck to her intentions and gave him a light introduction to campdrafting. Once she started riding TRD, however, she decided to give snaffle bit cutting a go. She and TRD won two titles in one season.

Jessie then took TRD campdrafting as was her original intent and has had huge success with him, winning multiple Ladies, Novice and Open drafts, running consistent scores in the 90’s and up to 93.

TRD won his first Open draft on Jessie’s 21st birthday and carried her to become the champion 2020 ABCRA Lady Rider.

Photo by Jensol. Talafa Rey Dox & Jessie Britton. 2018 Taralga.

The confidence Jessie has in TRD has enabled her to excel in whatever they try. “Along the way, I thought I would take him to a couple of cowhorse events. We had little experience and minimal preparation, but with TRD, I successfully won and placed in them.

Then, in 2023, after 7 years competing on TRD, I handed over the reins to Isaac to ride him in Australia’s Greatest Horseman event. They finished 6th amid a field of the best cow horses. That same weekend, I made the final of the Open campdraft”, Jessie said.

This shows what a versatile, consistent, adaptable and talented horse TRD is. Proof of this was the result of Jessie and Isaac’s next decision to take TRD back to the cutting pen, not to snafflebit but to give hand-down cutting a go. He had been campdrafting for 7 years.

Not many ex-cutting horses return after several years of campdrafting. Adapting back to the very different discipline is demanding and requires a good mind, intelligence, and a whole lot of talent. Even fewer are able to compete in both sports at the same time and do so successfully.

“He came back in like he had never left and placed in non pro cutting events, while still winning and placing in campdraft events most other weekends. He was the Darling Downs Cutting Club $15,000 Non Pro Reserve Champion with a 219!”


Talafa Rey Dox has had limited starts in the scheme of things.  However those times when he did, he either won or placed. Highlights include:



  • Darling Downs Cutting Futurity,
    $15,000 Non-Pro Reserve Champion.


  • WINNER Stroud Campdraft Open 4 Open.
  • WINNER Bingara Ladies Cutout.
  • Northern Rivers Cutting Club (Upper Horton)
    $7,500 NP – 5th.
    First time hands down in 8 years with 3 days prep.
  • ARBC Australia’s Greatest Horseman
    • 6th overall with Isaac
    • Open Campdraft finalist with Jess

2019 - 2022


  • Upper Horton Ladies – 2nd
  • WINNER Stroud Ladies (91)


  • Gunning Ladies – 2nd (90)


  • K Ranch
    • WINNER  Rookie Reining Cow Horse.
    • Open Reining Cow Horse – 2nd (Top score in cattle section).


  • WINNER Tumut Ladies.

2016 - 2018


  • Taralga – Jess’s 21st birthday:
    • WINNER Open.
    • WINNER Ladies Cutout.
  • WINNER Snafflebit Cutting – Ranch NCHA Show. 1st cutting for 12 months.


  • WINNER K Ranch NCHA Snafflebit (3rd Snafflebit start)
  • Watagan Mountain Ladies – 2nd
  • WINNER Bungendore Ladies
  • Goulburn Campdraft
    • Novice – 2nd (350 entries)
    • Open finalist (89)


Jess purchased TRD on February 7, 2016 at the then Landmark Sale.  First draft wasn’t until April.

  • Hunter Valley Campdraft
    • Ladies – 2nd  |  WINNER Cutout
  • West Wyalong:
    • WINNER Ladies Cutout (23)
    • Novice – 3rd
  • First win!  Watagan Mountains Campdraft:
    • WINNER Ladies   |   WINNER Cutout (23)
  • WINNER K Ranch NCHA Snafflebit (2nd Snafflebit start)


20th September 20, 2015

  • TRD had his first campdraft start to final and place with Kerry Harrold

NCHA Futurity June, 2015

  • TRD was shown in the Open Derby by Dan Lithgow missing out on finaling by just 1 point.

Jaybee Chica Bang

2024 Nutrien Classic
Lot 187 – Jaybee Chica Bang
Sold $20,000
Vendor: Isaac Westerhuis
Purchaser: Jason Lindley

Jaybee Reysn High

Has lightly started campdrafting and has been making finals.

Jaybee Staunch Cat

  • Gelding
  • Dam: Tiffany Cat
  • Owner: Jessie Britton

Sassy Rey


  • SWRS Rider Series Champion (December).  The first time she had a rope picked up on her was only in the August.
Progeny sold through auction

2024 Dalby ASH Sale

Lot 158 – Dual Star Oak Bud (6yo Gelding)
Sold $19,000
Vendor: Mrs N Louis
Purchaser: Luke Messinbird

2024 Nutrien Classic

75% Clearance (3/4 Sold)

Top seller:
Lot 187 – Jaybee Chica Bang
Sold $20,000
Vendor: Isaac Westerhuis
Purchaser: Jason Lindley

2023 Masters

Jaybee Chic A Boom
Sold $20,000


Sire: Rey Dual

REY DUAL is the ONLY full brother to the GREAT Dual Rey.

LTE: US$123,448

Rey Dual has sired an Australia NCHA Open Reserve Champion

Dam: One Moore Lynx

  • Moonbi Futurity Champion.
  • Very successful campdrafter campaigned by the Knudsen family.

Maternal Grandsire: Docs Spinifex

Docs Spinifex was inducted in to the AQHA Hall of Fame.  Trained by Peter Costellos, he won the 1982 NCHA Futurity at Scone, the Moonbi Futurity and the Supersires Futurity all in the same year. By winning all three events in the one year, he won the Triple Crown.

Peter Costello said of him, “Spinny had the ability to get better and better every time he was shown. In my opinion he was one of the best sires in the world. He had it all.”


Registration: AQHA #Q-72058
Foaling date: 22/09/2010
Colour: Bay
Height: 14.3hh
Breeder: Daven & Lynnell Vohland
Current Owner: Jessie Britton
5 panel: DNA Case #: Y, HYPP: N/R, HERDA: N/R, OLWS: N/R

(Click on PEDIGREE TAB within icompete)

 Sire: Rey Dual  Dual Pep  Peppy San Badger
 Miss Dual Dov
 Nurse Rey  Wyoming Doc
 Jay Moss
 Dam: One Moore Lynx  Docs Spinifex  Docs Oak
 Docs Redquin  Pine Olena
 K Bar Tpoaz
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Artwork by Lauren Clarke.
Photo Gallery

The camera just loves this combination.  We just couldn’t decide which to post, so we’ve posted them all!

2024 Upper Horton Cutting

2024 Goondiwindi Rookies

2024 Balonne River Cutting, St George

DDCC, Dalby

2023 ARBC

2023 & earlier

Video Gallery

Talafa Rey Dox


2023 ARBC, with Isaac Westerhuis.

2021 – Gunning Campdraft (91), with Jessie Britton.  [View Video on Youtube]

2020 – Open Reining Cowhorse, with Jessie Britton.  [View Video on Youtube]

2017 – K Ranch Snafflebit, with Jessie Britton.  [View Video on Youtube]

2016 Promotional Sale Video. [View Video on Youtube]

2015 NCHA Futurity GR2 with Dan Lithgow.  [View Video on Youtube]


Sire: Rey Dual. 






Jessie Britton
2231 Oxley Highway
Bective NSW 2340

M: 0487 388 181

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